It’s never too cold for running club, blogs Esme!

In a week beginning with snow we felt Christmas was even closer and with such a rare occasion of snow we chose to make the last run before Christmas particularly festive and special.This year we decided to do a Christmas themed run at running club. During this run we really got into the Christmas spirit, […]

Eloise’s tribute to Gerard Manley Hopkins Poem.

My version of Gerard Manley Hopkins’ Poem  Glory be to us for sporty things For pitches of green as a farmed field; For hockey players all in stipple upon the blue battlefield; Tennis rackets’ swish; tennis players’ wish; Rules carefully created – contact, obstruction, and tackling; And all teams, their equipment and their courage.   […]

Glory be to God for Peaceful Things – by a Year 10 anonymous poet.

Glory be to God for Peaceful Things For the gentleness of the winter breeze as a wing may beat; For the auburn leaves all in stipple upon a lullabied lake; Might it be the morning dew quivering on the lea; Or the cobweb as it clings; The prancing deer and the dull-variegated cuckoo, cooing in […]

Grace blogs about Business Language Champions War of the Words French Debate.

On Friday 8th December Stamford Endowed Schools hosted the annual Business Language Champions War of the Words French Debate. Stamford put together two Sixth Form Teams to take part and even provided an announcer in Tom Clark who introduced each speaker. The day was a resounding success with a brilliant speech on the importance of […]

Hugo Blogs on the importance of the Rule of Law and Judicial Independence.

The importance of the Rule of Law and judicial Independence The Rule of Law is vital in the governing of the country. The Rule of Law is a legal theory holding that the relationship between the state and the individual is governed by law, protecting the individual from arbitrary action. According to A. V. Dicey, […]

Alice makes the case for America’s unloved Presidents.

Making a Case for America’s Unloved Presidents According to the Huffington Post, the 10 worst Presidents in American History are as follows:   10) Warren G. Harding (1921-3) 9) Calvin Coolidge (1923-9) 8) James Carter (1977-81) 7) Ronald Reagan (1981-9) 6) Herbert Hoover (1929-33) (top left) 5) James Buchanan (1857-61) 4) Richard Nixon (1969-74) (top […]

Caroline blogs about the recent play Bluestockings.

Bluestockings: A script and a slander. Between the 29th November to 1st December, Years 10 + 11 performed the play Bluestockings, written by Jessica Swale (who we got a congratulations tweet from!) in the Birkbeck Studio. Overall, I would say it was a major success, bar a couple of broken chairs from the set furniture […]

Hannah Blissett blogs her poem inspired by Gerard Manley Hopkins

Attached is a re-creative response to Gerard Manley Hopkins’ famous poem, ‘Pied Beauty’. The link to the original poem is here: “Glory be to Oceans”- Inspired by Gerard Manley Hopkins Glory be to Mother Nature for submarine things, For waves of explicit magnitude slapping the sand As a vengeful army throwing their spears. For […]

Andrew (Y9) blogs a Christmas poem he has composed.

A Magical Time of Year.   It is that glorious night called Christmas Eve, a time when you really do need to believe. Children everywhere are full of excitement and glee, hoping that some magic they will see.   The white snow crashes gracefully onto the Earth’s crust, it looks like it’s been covered over […]

Chloe Smyth blogs Flying with the RAF and Zero G!

One of the main perks of being an RAF Cadet at Stamford Endowed Schools is the ability to go flying at RAF Cranwell throughout the school year. The immense thrill and rush you get piloting the very modest Grob Tutor is unmatched; the mixture of the speed, the G-force and the aerobatics create an exhilarating […]