Freddie Pacey blogs about the characters and ideologies within ‘Legally Blonde’

The Characters and Ideologies within “Legally Blonde” Legally Blonde is a film made in 2001, directed by Robert Luketic and starring Reese Witherspoon. It was adapted into a musical and performed in 2007, introducing a multitude of impressively memorable songs. Both the theatrical and film version focus around Elle Woods; a young chairwoman of the […]

Luisa Queiros blogs on the contemporary relevance of ‘Measure for Measure’

The RSC’s latest production of ‘Measure for Measure’ shows the 17th century classic remains astoundingly topical   ‘Who will believe thee, Isabel?’, asks a smartly suited Angelo to the young nun that squirms under his grip beneath a burning spotlight. ‘Fit thy consent to my sharp appetite’, he warns, ‘Or, by the affection that now […]

Luisa explains why #Metoo is no joke.

  How many of you could, with 100 per cent confidence, explain what #metoo is to someone who has never heard of it before? Even though the twitter movement has been around for more than a year, I’m still surprised by the amount of people that aren’t completely sure what it’s about, so I’ll break […]

Charlotte Wren blogs about the #Metoo movement.

Who here feels as if they are directly affected by the MeToo movement? I’m guessing not many of you. It’s just something we see on social media and on the news, but we never really feel the direct effect of, especially living in our little Stamford bubble. What you may not realise, though, is that […]

‘Blogs by Mads’ shares her thoughts on the Gillette ad!

Gillette, a cut throat ad! The razor brand, Gillette, has been bombarded with both criticism and praise after their recent video advertisement: “We Believe”. The recent engagement with the ad from celebrities, politicians and the everyday public has caused it to make waves way beyond its target market. The change in Gillette’s 30 year old […]

Maddy blogs the first in a series about Feminism

Feminism Do you believe in equality between genders? Yes? Well, I’m sorry to tell you but you’re a feminist. It has been one hundred years since women finally achieved the right to vote in Britain. Technically, it’s ninety years since women gained equal voting rights to men; 2018 marks one hundred years since suffrage was […]