James Pridgeon blogs an essay on how infants know that objects continue to exist

Piaget’s (1936) theory of cognitive development explains how a child constructs a mental model of the world. The term ‘object permanence’ is used to describe a child’s ability to know that objects continue to exist even though they can no longer be observed or heard. If you have played a game of ‘peek-a-boo’ with a […]

Edward Wurr explains the proroguing parliament controversy

What is proroguing parliament and why has it caused so much controversy?   The act of proroguing parliament brings to an end the current parliamentary session. This leads to a short break before a new session starts before a new session begins. Parliament runs in sessions that last for around one year, most of the […]

Josh Heyworth Blogs on Blockchain

Blockchain in its simplest form is a method of transferring and keeping a record of data securely and transparently. The technology is currently most utilised by cryptocurrencies to log and ensure that all transactions are legitimate and secure. However, there are a multitude of other potential applications for blockchain that are currently being explored by […]

James Everitt blogs about The Chemistry of a Hangover

The Chemistry of a hangover   What is a hangover? It is the illness or sickness related to the consumption of excess alcohol characterised by aching everywhere, general illness and of course the famous headache. Most of these symptoms are the result of the impaired kidney function that the consumption of alcohol leads to. Our […]

Freddie Pacey blog about the formation of Rome and The Regal Period.

The formation of Rome and the Regal Period Introduction: If one was asked about Rome, they would probably bring up the likes of Julius Caesar or Marc Antony. Thanks to Shakespeare, among others, those two men have been immortalized and will forever be studied. However, Rome span for over a millennia and even longer if […]

Freddie Pacey blogs about The First Triumvirate.

The First Triumvirate Gaius Julius Caesar, Gnaius Pompeius Magnus and Marcus Lucinius Crassus or, as they are more aptly known: Caesar, Pompey and Crassus. These three men complete the first triumvirate in Roman History. All three of these men were wealthy, powerful and ruthlessly ambitious. Like many famous alliances it was through discourse that these […]