Diana and Meghan: The Two Trapped Princesses by Chloe Tinton

Diana and Meghan: The Two Trapped Princesses “My biggest concern was history repeating itself”. This is a direct quote from Prince Harry when asked in the recent interview with Meghan and Oprah what his driving force was behind leaving the monarchy. Whether this is directly referring to the media attacks on his mother Diana or […]

How significant was the Haitian Revolution? asks Nathaniel Sole-Porter

How significant was the Haitian revolution in regard to similar revolutions of its time? Nathaniel Sole-Potter Haiti or Hispaniola at the time was the upcoming centre for Atlantic trade. Although Spanish settlers first landed there in the 1600s, the island wasn’t producing valuable crops such as sugar, coffee, tobacco and other desirable crops at the […]

Kitty Henderson discusses the difficulties of being an exotic vet in a remote community.

The difficulties of being an exotic vet in a remote community   Recently I attended a webinar hosted by Edinburgh Vet Wildlife Conservation Society where exotic animal vet Ioana Popescu spoke about her recent efforts in the conservation work of the Grand Cayman Blue iguana. In the 1996, blue iguanas were declared ‘critically endangered’ by the […]

How has coronavirus affected gender inequality in the UK? by Olivia Cross

How has coronavirus affected gender inequality in the UK? By Olivia Cross Even before the Coronavirus pandemic the United Kingdom was ranked fifteenth in the global gender gap index, placing it behind France and Germany. And now during the pandemic, it is clear that COVID-19 has heightened the pre-existing gender equalities. Covid has enhanced gender […]

Eurydice: Ancient and Modern. By Kasia Middleton

Eurydice: Ancient and Modern. By Kasia Middleton I was recently skimming one of my favourite poetry collections when I came across a piece I hadn’t read before. The collection in question was Duffy’s The World’s Wife and the poem was Eurydice. Poetry has always been something of a mystery to me- I have often found […]

Will the UK last much longer? by Emily Doe

Will the UK last much longer? by Emily Doe. Devolution in the UK is the process by which central government in Westminster delegates power to other levels of government.  In the UK, the creation of devolved institutions in the regions 20 years ago saw a massive transferal of powers and responsibilities away from the centre.  […]

The extinction of coral reefs. By Lucy Barber.

The Extinction of Coral Reefs By Lucy Barber A coral reef is an underwater structure composed of the skeletons of marine invertebrates called coral which live off calcium carbonate exoskeletons. Currently, coral reefs occupy 0.1% of the ocean but the support 25% of marine species and surprisingly, also support a lot of the human population […]

The environmental impacts of the oil industry. By Lucy Barber.

The Environmental Impacts of the Oil Industry By Lucy Barber   Crude oil is a naturally occurring deposit of hydrocarbons and other organic materials. Once extracted from the ground the oil can be cracked into different hydrocarbon lengths and used for jet fuel, road tarmac, diesel and much more. The oil industry is globally massive […]