Don’t Judge a Book by its cover! Blog Evie and Rachel.

The Mystery Behind The Mystery Books!


When faced with 40 paperbacks all wrapped in brown paper, how can you judge a book by its cover? Answer: You can’t. So, we took a gamble and picked one at random. The gamble paid off; both of us ended up with books we had steered clear of before. Both of use were pleasantly surprised – the books we had previously scorned were in fact highly entertaining reads.

As people who take much pleasure in reading, this experience was eye-opening to say the least. We discovered that entire genres which we had never considered reading were much more enjoyable than we had thought. The message we think people will take from this experience is that appearances can be deceptive, and you shouldn’t write off any type of book before reading one

Evie Breakell and Rachel Radbourne, Upper Sixth, October 2017.